Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thieves Like Us (1974)

Mississippi during the Depression. Interestingly, Altman captured a real feel of the state. It's still a little surprising how much it hasn't changed.

This is a film about the transition from youth to adulthood. Carradine and Duvall really shine in their quiet moments together. I cannot think of another film where there was really vulnerability shown between two characters. I also love the old-time radio programs playing throughout the whole film, a very beautiful touch.

Another empty church appears off of a country road. Coke bottles and Coke signs are everywhere. The Coke imagery doesn't feel like a modern product placement. It feels very much like Americana and part of the landscape.

One of my favorite memories of 2008 was driving through the Delta and watching the sun come up over the fields. I love the open road with wide fields on either side. Old farm equipment and shacks, here and there.

This one's a real jewel in Altman's filmography. Like his previous films, this one has brilliant touches of the surreal. I love how he seemingly can tap into that vein with ease.

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